
Analizador de carbono superficial SurfaceC‑800

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ELTRA SurfaceC-800

La PC, el monitor, la balanza y el material de un solo uso (kit inicial, anhidrona, hidróxido de sodio y óxido de cobre) se piden por separado.
SurfaceC-8001xC0,1 – 100 µg/cm² 
SurfaceC-8002xC0.1 – 100 µg/cm² |  
1 – 1,000 µg/cm² 
SurfaceC-8001xC10 – 1,000 µg/cm² 

Required accessories

PC, monitor, balanza

88600-0006Industrial computer
71015Computer with Intel Core i5-8400 Processor, 256 GB SSD; 8 GB RAM; Windows 10 operating system; keyboard; mouse
88400-0584Monitor, TFT (23.8")
88600-0002Balanza (resolución 0,0001 g)
88400-0592Laser printer

Required consumables / chemicals for first operations

88500-0011Starter-kit (3 quartz boats, 50 g glass wool and quartz wool)
90200Anhidrona (perclorato de magnesio), 454 g 1)
90210Hidróxido de sodio, 500 g 1)
90289Óxido de cobre (II), 100 g 1)

Further options and consumables

Accessories (Hardware)

72070Regulador de oxígeno
88400-0610Barcode scanner

Chemicals (fillings for glass and quartz tubes)

90200Anhidrona (perclorato de magnesio), 454 g 1)
90210Hidróxido de sodio, 500 g 1)
90289Óxido de cobre (II), 100 g 1)
90331Lana de vidrio, 454 g
90332Lana de vidrio, 50 g
90330Lana de cuarzo, 50 g
92610Tube of high vacuum grease, 35 g


36120Quartz boat, 75 x 16 x 7.5 mm, 1 piece
46160Combustion boat SurfaceC-800
88400-0502Re-usable inconel boat, 54 x 18 x 13.5 mm, 1 piece
88400-0503Re-usable inconel boat, 54 x 18 x 9 mm, 1 piece

Tools for operation: Spatulas, tweezers, tongs and other

36216Combustion boat insertion stick, 1 piece
36217Combustion boat removing stick, 380 mm, 1 piece
36218-2001Combustion boat removing stick, 600 mm, 1 piece
88400-0229Tweezers (160 mm), curved, 1 piece
88400-0472Tweezers (145 mm), straight, 1 piece
Set with 6 spatula and 1 tweezersfor multiple weighing procedures
Weighing boat, 1 piecefor weighing and usage of granulates
Metal pan, 1 piecefor storage of used crucibles, boats
90145Tongs for ceramic crucibles and boats, 220 mm, 1 piece

Tools for maintenance

46200-8000Maintenance kit SC-800
Brush, 16 mm, 1 piecefor cleaning balance from dust
Powder funnel (plastics), 1 piecefor easy filling of chemical tubes
88400-0489Rubber plug 14 x 20 x 24 mm, 1 piece, for sealing small glass tubes like 88400-0006
88600-0027Sodium hydroxide, Anhydrone filter tube, for sealing small glass tubes like 88400-0006

Calibration materials

Calibration materials may show slight variations depending on the current lot.
To see the current certification please visit


90812-3003Limestone, 25 g, < 5 % C
90812-3004Limestone, 25 g, 5 – 10 % C


90817-3001Soil, 25 g, > 2 % C, S
90817-3002Soil, 25 g, < 1 % C, S
90817-3003Soil, 25 g, > 2 % C, S
90817-3004Soil, 25 g, < 2 % C, < 1 % S

Spare and wear parts SurfaceC-800

Please note: Every analyzer requires PC, monitor, balance and some consumables (crucibles, chemicals) which have to be ordered separately

1), Sustancia peligrosa